Dean of the Faculty
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Republic
He is Dean of ČVUT in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences since 2018. He graduated from the same Faculty of Engineering in the field of Automation in Transport and Telecommunications, then completed doctorate in the field of Engineering Informatics and from 2011 he has been appointed as the reader in the field of Engineering Informatics in Transport and Communications. He had undergone research fellowships at the Technical University of Delft and the Technische Universität Berlin.
He collaborates on projects relating to science and application research in the areas of transport-telematics systems architecture design, development of concepts and strategies for implementation of telematics systems, quality control of telematics systems, implementation and verification of various navigation and identification systems. Professional interests include geographic information systems, spatial databases, system architectures, statistical and transport modelling tools. He lectures in courses on Introduction to Intelligent Transport Systems, Geographic Information Technology, Localisation and Navigation Systems, Sensors and Actuators, Fuzzy Logic and its Applications in Control and Decision Making.